Wednesday 22 May 2019

Past Performance...

Does history repeat itself? I’m sure all the historians must be scratching their heads, biting their nails, and recollecting the zillion times they’ve had this thought. But, c’mon how many times have you assumed that past performance is the base to future performance. How often do you consider the aspect of variation and alternation? I can see all the recruiters hiding under the table.

The financial market lives on the statement, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results”. It’s the disclaimer to every mutual fund advertisement that pops up on your screen every five minutes, literally. Guaranteeing the future based on the past is nothing less than a recipe for disaster.

Why do we enrol ourselves into the recipe for disaster?, even after we are aware of the uncertainty of the outcome. It is the most convenient, but also the least empirical form of prediction. To all the lazy pants out there kindly, laundry.

It’s a century of screening tools, assessments, skills gauging, using the old school past performance theory alone is voluntarily entering the pool of idiocy. Refresh the brain cells and bid farewell to laziness, adopt in methods that are impactful and fruitful.

Saturday 11 May 2019

The road less travelled...

Two roads diverge in the woods and you're the pioneer of the one you choose.

One sets you an open arena to re-embark your emotional quotient, and build a healthy atmosphere for your employees. On the other hand, you can follow the traditional pattern and choose the same unchanged road. Your organization is a reflection of the road you've curated for them.

The road to changing culture is the road less travelled, it is fuelled with tedious makeovers and strategies. But the burnout effect appears to diminish as you walk the path. Burnout, being the negative backbone of employees shows recent surveys.

Organizational culture is the mirroring of your brand and organization climate is the base to the mirroring. It's not an all-night job, it requires you to walk through the road repeatedly, to embed the detailing in your hemisphere.

You walk in no ordinary manner... you walk passion, compassion, and commitment, with the vision of cultural goal. So, are you ready the take the road less travelled?

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Coffee... Customized

I love coffee loaded with milk, whipped cream and ice cream. Well, not a diabetic yet for all the warm people who showered concern, and for the rest who didn’t... shallow, shallow self-absorbed people.

Sitting on the side table sipping my fully loaded coffee, looking at the line of customers waiting for their cup. Black coffee, coffee with extra cream, coffee with 2 spoons of milk... blah, blah, blah. I look around and wonder to myself, one cup of coffee and such variances.

Similarly, every client comes to the consultant's table in the requirement for a cup of coffee. But each client wants their own customization, variance, and alteration. The crucial portion is not the cup of coffee. All the coffee houses can do that, the question remains "who can execute your customization the best?"